Islamic Modern Muslim Boy Names with Their Meanings

Are you looking for a meaningful Muslim boy name? Check out many names that follow Islamic traditions, each with a special meaning. You can find famous names that reflect your values and culture. Some top boy names are Azlaan, Huzaifa, Zain, Saad, and Hamza. You’ll find beautiful names that connect to your heritage, whether you like names from Arabic, Persian, or other Islamic cultures.


Islamic boy baby names

  • Arkan – The solid pillar of life.
  • Rizqullah – God’s abundant bounty.
  • Fathan – Opener of the path to success.
  • Malik – A just leader.
  • Ilman – A smart and knowledgeable child.
  • Zayyan – Beautiful, radiant, like light.
  • Faris – A brave warrior.
  • Zidan – Increased, well-developed.
  • Ghazi – A persistent warrior.
  • Zafar – A glorious winner.
  • Hayyan – Lively and vigorous.
  • Dzaky – One who possesses virtue.
  • Rais – A respected leader.
  • Umar – Long-lived, long life.
  • Rashid – The one who gets guidance.
  • Akmal – Perfect and complete.
  • Ihsan – Kindness and generosity.
  • Azzam – Great fighting power.
  • Rizal – Luminous and shining.
  • Fayyad – The generous one.
  • Zuhair – A fresh flower.
  • Saifan – A sharp sword.
  • Mubarak – Blessed by Allah.
  • Idris – Studying diligently.
  • Wafi – Faithful and honest.
  • Dzul – The owner, the possessor.
  • Hanif – Straight and upright in heart.
  • Hamzah – The name of a prominent lion.
  • Iman – Strong belief.
  • Khaldun – Eternal and everlasting.
  • Labib – Wise and intelligent.
  • Munir – A brilliant illuminator.
  • Rafi – High and noble.
  • Samir – A good listener.
  • Taufan – A strong storm.
  • Zamil – A good friend.
  • Luqman – Wise and knowledgeable.
  • Dzulfikar – The sword of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • Iqbal – Good fortune.
  • Jamil – Handsome and beautiful.
  • Luthfi – Gentle and devoted.
  • Naufal – A noble descendant.
  • Qaid – Leader and commander.
  • Ramadan – The holy month in Islam.
  • Syamil – Friendly and unpretentious.
  • Tsaqib – The fortunate one.
  • Ukail – Kindness and wisdom.
  • Wahid – The one and unique.
  • Yasir – The rich one.
  • Ziyad – Rapid growth.
  • Muhammad – Praiseworthy
  • Ali – High, elevated, champion
  • Ahmad – Most commendable, praiseworthy
  • Omar – Long-lived, eloquent
  • Ibrahim – Father of nations, Abraham
  • Yusuf – God increases (in piety, power, and influence)
  • Adam – Earth, the first prophet and human being
  • Hamza – Lion, strong
  • Khalid – Eternal, immortal
  • Zayd – Growth, abundance
  • Amir – Prince, leader
  • Tariq – Morning star, he who knocks at the door
  • Rashid – Rightly guided, mature
  • Yasin – The name of a chapter in the Quran, symbolic
  • Nasir – Protector, helper
  • Jamil – Beautiful, handsome
  • Kareem – Generous, noble
  • Rafi – Exalted, sublime
  • Salim – Peaceful, flawless
  • Sami – Elevated, sublime
  • Amirul Mukminin – Leader of the believers.
  • Abdul Aziz – The noble and mighty servant of Allah.
  • Malikul Mulk – The owner of a great kingdom.
  • Fathur Rahman – The bearer of victory from Allah the Merciful.
  • Nashirul Haq – The propagator of the truth.
  • Ilman Naafi – Useful knowledge.
  • Zakiyul Akhlak – Clean character.
  • Luqman Hakim – Wise wisdom.
  • Rashidul Hidayah – Right guidance.
  • Jalaludin Rumi – The glory of religion.
  • Faidhur Rahman – The grace of a loving God.
  • Siddiq Amin – An honest and trustworthy person.
  • Hakimul Adil – The just judge.
  • Munirul Kholiq – The giver of light from the Creator.
  • Fathiyyan Najih – A successful winner.
  • Khairul Bashar – The best of men.
  • Saifullah Hafiz – The sword of Allah that guards.
  • Hakimul Falah – The judge who brings success.
  • Dzul Qarnain – Owner of two horns, a title for a king.
  • Fadhilur Rahman – The noble one with Allah’s mercy.
  • Jalaludin Qudus – The glory of the Holy One.
  • Malikul Quwwah – The possessor of solid strength.
  • Ilman Saqil – Knowledge that benefits the people.
  • Ashabul Jannah – The happy inhabitants of heaven.
  • Fadhilul Hadi – Glorious with Allah’s guidance.
  • Dzakiyul Islam – Clean in practicing the teachings of Islam.
  • Rafiul Qudus – High in purity.
  • Malikul Hadi – The possessor of true guidance.
  • Shiddiqul Amin – Honest and trustworthy.
  • Munirul Hikmah – The giver of the light of wisdom.
  • Rashidul Islam – The true guidance in Islam.
  • Ilman Hafizh – Knowledge that is guarded and remembered.
  • Nashirul Amal – The propagator of good deeds.
  • Faidhur Rahman – The grace of a merciful Allah.
  • Shiddiqun Najih – The successful honest man.
  • Hakimul Hikmah – The wise judge.
  • Munirul Khair – The giver of light from goodness.
  • Fadhilur Akhlak – The noble.
  • Jalaludin Shalih – The glory of the righteous.
  • Malikul Jannah – The owner of the great heaven.
  • Ilman Qawiyy – Solid knowledge.
  • Ashabul Islam – The devout inhabitants of Islam.
  • Fadhilur Rizq – The noble in sustenance.
  • Jalaludin Qadir – Glory from the Almighty.
  • Malikul Adil – The owner of perfect justice.
  • Ilman Shalih – Knowledge that is useful for good.
  • Ashabul Falah – The dwellers of fortune.
  • Rafiul Akhlak – High.
  • Munirul Jannah – The giver of light from heaven.
  • Hakimul Hafiz – The judge who guards and memorizes.

Modern Islamic girl names with meanings

  • Aisha – Alive, prosperous
  • Fatima – Captivating, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Zara – Princess, flower
  • Maryam – Arabic form of Mary, mother of Jesus
  • Sofia – Wisdom
  • Layla – Night, dark beauty
  • Hana – Happiness, bliss
  • Amira – Princess, leader
  • Zahra – Radiant, shining
  • Nur – Light
  • Jasmine – Fragrant flower
  • Amina – Trustworthy, faithful
  • Lina – Tender, delicate
  • Yasmin – Jasmine flower
  • Sara – Pure, noble
  • Leila – Night, dark-haired beauty
  • Sana – Brilliance, radiance
  • Ayah – Sign, miracle
  • Nadia – Caller, moist, tender
  • Dalia – Dahlia flower
  • Rania – Queenly
  • Alya – Sublime, exalted
  • Rida – Contentment, satisfaction
  • Jana – Harvest, paradise
  • Mira – Princess, leader
  • Noor – Light
  • Inaya – Concern, care
  • Zaina – Beauty, adornment
  • Amani – Wishes, aspirations
  • Huda – Guidance
  • Habiba – Beloved, sweetheart
  • Noura – Light
  • Dina – Judgement
  • Farah – Joy, happiness
  • Rasha – Young gazelle
  • Reem – Gazelle
  • Samira – Entertaining companion
  • Layla – Night
  • Manal – Achievement, attainment
  • Zaynab – Decorated tree
  • Dalal – Tenderness, pampering
  • Samar – Evening conversation
  • Nadia – Caller
  • Rima – White antelope
  • Joud – Generosity
  • Yara – Small butterfly
  • Shaima – Good-natured, gentle
  • Nawal – Gift
  • Yusra – Ease, comfort
  • Maya – Princess, illusion
  • Maisa – Proud gait
  • Maha – Wild cow, gazelle
  • Dunya – Worldly life
  • Lubna – Storax tree
  • Rabia – Spring, fourth
  • Razan – Composure, serenity
  • Shirin – Sweet
  • Zubaida – Bestower of gifts
  • Safia – Pure, righteous
  • Jamila – Beautiful
  • Asma – Loftier, greater
  • Shahd – Honey
  • Maysoon – Of beautiful face and body
  • Safa – Purity, serenity
  • Hanan – Mercy, compassion
  • Malak – Angel
  • Ghada – Graceful young girl
  • Layan – Gentle, soft
  • Rahma – Mercy, compassion
  • Najwa – Secret conversation
  • Mariam – Arabic form of Mary
  • Yamama – Dove
  • Maha – Wild cow, gazelle
  • Amal – Hope, aspiration
  • Shaima – Good-natured, gentle
  • Najah – Success, salvation
  • Jasmin – Jasmine flower
  • Aida – Reward, present
  • Habiba – Beloved, sweetheart
  • Basma – Smiling
  • Fawzia – Successful
  • Asmaa – Excellent, lofty
  • Shatha – Fragrance
  • Mayar – Unique, exceptional
  • Farida – Unique, precious
  • Maysa – To walk with a proud, swinging gait
  • Narjis – Narcissus flower
  • Widad – Love, friendship
  • Nouran – Light
  • Dunia – The world
  • Lama – Dark lips
  • Hayat – Life
  • Ibtisam – Smile
  • Sabiha – Beautiful
  • Naseem – Breeze
  • Lubabah – The innermost essence
  • Hoor – Maiden of Paradise
  • Haneen – Longing, yearning
  • Rafiya – Sublime, high
  • Warda – Rose

  • Nisreen – Wild rose
  • Arwa – A mountain goat
  • Rukaya – The daughter of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Munira – Illuminating, shining
  • Lina – Tender, delicate
  • Iqra – Read, recite
  • Nada – Generosity, dew
  • Shaza – Fragrance, aroma
  • Ghina – Melody, song
  • Sahar – Dawn
  • Fadia – Savior, redeemer
  • Sama – Sky, heaven
  • Naila – Successful, attainer
  • Zaina – Beautiful, adornment
  • Asil – Noble, genuine
  • Rasha – Young gazelle
  • Dima – Rain
  • Wijdan – Ecstasy, sentiment
  • Abeer – Fragrance
  • Jumana – Silver pearl
  • Nehal – Intelligent, beautiful
  • Husna – Beauty, excellence
  • Wafa – Faithfulness, loyalty
  • Layan – Soft, gentle
  • Thara – Wealth, fortune
  • Hala – Aureole, halo
  • Mira – Prince, leader
  • Rida – Contentment, satisfaction
  • Habiba – Beloved, sweetheart
  • Zahira – Shining, brilliant
  • Maysam – Gentle breeze
  • Nazia – Proud, virtuous
  • Rahaf – Delicate, tender
  • Shayma – Good-natured, gentle
  • Maisa – Walking with a proud, swinging gait
  • Hanan – Compassion, mercy
  • Nashwa – Euphoria, elation
  • Salma – Peaceful, safe
  • Soraya – Princess, jewel
  • Rim – White antelope
  • Sahar – Dawn
  • Maha – Wild cow, gazelle
  • Zaina – Beauty, adornment
  • Yusra – Ease, comfort
  • Samira – Entertaining companion
  • Fayrouz – Turquoise gemstone
  • Amira – Princess, leader
  • Rabab – White Cloud
  • Sahla – Smooth, soft
  • Arij – Fragrance
  • Lubna – Storax tree
  • Safiya – Pure, righteous
  • Maysoun – Of beautiful face and body
  • Jawahir – Jewels
  • Shiraz – Sweet, mild
  • Ghada – Graceful young girl
  • Noura – Light
  • Mouna – Wish, desire
  • Warda – Rose
  • Habibah – Beloved, sweetheart
  • Raghad – Pleasant, sweet-smelling
  • Hibah – Gift
  • Rasha – Young gazelle
  • Zayna – Beautiful
  • Shaza – Fragrance, aroma
  • Aminah – Honest, trustworthy
  • Nahla – Water, drink
  • Sanaa – Brilliance, radiance
  • Rasha – Young gazelle
  • Zahara – Radiant, shining
  • Maram – Aspiration, wish
  • Rim – White antelope
  • Lamis – Soft to the touch
  • May – Princess, dear
  • Nihal – Drink, quenching thirst
  • Raidah – Leader, pioneer
  • Sabah – Morning
  • Aseel – Noble, genuine
  • Fajr – Dawn
  • Jina – Treasure, harvest
  • Sakina – Tranquility, peace of mind
  • Nudar – Gold
  • Mayyada – To walk with a proud, swinging gait
  • Nahar – Daytime, daylight
  • Jamilah – Beautiful
  • Baraa – Innocence, purity
  • Rimsha – Bunch of flowers
  • Layla – Night
  • Ruwaida – Gentle, soft-spoken
  • Wijdan – Ecstasy, sentiment
  • Afra – White
  • Shahad – Honey
  • Nihal – Happiness, joy
  • Nawar – Blossom, flower
  • Nawal – Gift
  • Qamar – Moon
  • Ridha – Goodwill, acceptance
  • Thana – Praise, eulogy
  • Tasnim – Fountain in Paradise

Popular Muslim islamic Boy baby Names Start With “A”

Here’s a table of 40 Islamic boys’ names starting with the letter “A” along with their meanings in English and Urdu

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
AarizRespectable man, leaderعارض
AahilPrince, rulerآہل
AamirFull, prosperous, civilizedعامر
AarishFirst ray of the sun, smartآرش
AbbasLion, sternعباس
AbdullahServant of Allahعبد اللہ
AbdulServant of the Allعبدال
AbidWorshiper, devoutعابد
AdilJust, fairعادل
AdeelJust, judgeعدیل
AhmadMost commendable, praiseworthyاحمد
AhsanGood, best, beautifulاحسن
AkhlaqMorality, good mannersاخلاق
AkramGenerous, nobleاکرم
AliElevated, championعلی
AminTrustworthy, faithfulامین
AmirPrince, leaderامیر
AnasAffectionate, friendlyانس
AnwarLuminous, radiantانور
ArhamMerciful, kindارحم
ArifKnowledgeable, expertعارف
ArsalanLion, fearlessارسلان
AsimProtector, defenderعاصم
AsifForgiveness, mercyآصف
AtifCompassionate, affectionateعاطف
AyaanGift of Godایان
AymanLucky, blessedایمن
AyyubOne who perseveres, patientایوب
AzamGreatest, supremeاعظم
AzharBright, radiantاظہر
AzimGreat, majesticعظیم
AzeemGreat, honorableعظیم
AzzamDetermined, resolvedعزم
AarafKnowledgeable, wiseآراف
AbraarPious, righteousابرار
AfzalExcellent, bestافضل
AkhlaaqGood manners, ethicsاخلاق

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “B”

Certainly! Here’s a table of Islamic boys’ names starting with the letter “B” along with their meanings in English and Urdu:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
BasimSmiling, cheerfulبسم
BilalMoisture, waterبلال
BurhanProof, evidenceبرہان
BasharBringer of good newsبشر
BakhtFortune, luckبخت
BaqirDeeply learned, knowledgeableباقر
BariMaker, creatorباری
BarakahBlessing, prosperityبرکہ
BehramMars, planetبہرام
BilalMoisture, waterبلال
BahaBeautiful, magnificentبہا
BaqiLasting, survivingباقی
BashirBringer of good newsبشیر
BurhanProof, evidenceبرہان
BaderFull moon, elegantبدر
BilalMoisture, waterبلال
BishrJoy, happinessبشر
BadrFull moon, like the moonبدر
BariqBright, shiningبارق
BasilBrave, fearlessباسل
BishrJoy, cheerfulnessبشر
BahaullahGlory of Allahبهاء اللہ
BahramMars, planetبہرام
BarrPious, righteousبر
BarraqFlash of lightningبراق
BurakSteed of the Prophet Muhammadبراک
BadiUnique, incomparableبدیع

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “C”

While names starting with “C” are less common in traditional Muslim names, here is a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names beginning with the letter “C” along with their meanings:

CemalBeauty, grace
CihanWorld, universe
CemilHandsome, beautiful
CelalGrandeur, majesty
CevdetOrder, system
CelilGlorious, noble
CezmiValiant, brave
CahideUnique, extraordinary
CandanAffectionate, sincere
CankatLife-saving, life-giving
CanpolatBrave heart
CavitLife, existence
CihangirConqueror of the world
CanberkStrong tree
CavitLife, existence
CesurBrave, courageous
CevahirJewel, gemstone
CeyhunRiver in paradise
CahitLover, enthusiast
CazimResolute, determined
CahitLover, enthusiast
CemaleddinBeauty of the faith
CenanParadise, heaven
CelalGrandeur, majesty
CemilHandsome, beautiful
CihangirConqueror of the world
CihatStruggle, endeavor
CimilRadiant, brilliant
CivanFull of life, vital
CagatayFalcon moon
CemGathering, assembly
CahitLover, enthusiast
CandanAffectionate, sincere
CevdetOrder, system

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “D”

Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “D” along with their meanings in English and Urdu:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
DaanishKnowledge, wisdomدانش
DanishKnowledgeable, wiseدانشمند
DaniyalProphet Danielدانیال
DaudProphet Davidداؤد
DanyalProphet Danielدانیال
DawoodProphet Davidداؤد
DabirTeacher, scholarدابر
DiyanBright light, lampدیاں
DastanTale, legendداستان
DariushPossessor of goodداریوش
DaraPossessor, sovereignدارا
DastgirProtector, supporterدستگیر
DaboorFirewood gathererدبور
DaimEverlasting, perpetualدائم
DakhilIntercessor, mediatorداخل
DastgeerHelper, supporterدستگیر
DaniNear, closeدانی
DilshadHappy-hearted, cheerfulدلشاد
DaoudBeloved, darlingداؤد
DabeerJudge, scholarدبیر
DastoorCustom, traditionدستور
DaraabTo possess, to createدراب
DawarPeerless, uniqueدوار
DabeetWarrior, fighterدبیت
DawarEverlasting, worldدوار
DarakhshanShining, brightدرخشاں
DanyarSkilled, intelligentدانیار
DaulatWealth, richesدولت
DastkariSkill, craftsmanshipدستکاری
DilawarBrave-hearted, courageousدلاور
DildarBeloved, affectionateدلدار
DanyarWise, learnedدانیار
DabirExpert, learnedدبیر
DastoorCustom, traditionدستور
DaudOld Arabic nameداؤد
DaoudBeloved, darlingداؤد
DilshadHappy-hearted, cheerfulدلشاد

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “E”

Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “E” can be challenging, However, I’ll provide a list of Muslim boys’ names starting with “E” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
EbrahimVariant of Ibrahim, meaning “father of many”ابراہیم
EhsanPerfection, excellenceاحسان
EijazMiracle, wonderعجز
ElyasVariant of Elias, meaning “the Lord is my God”الیاس
EshanDesiring, wishingایشان
EhtishamModesty, decencyاحتشام
EzaanCall to prayerاذان
EmaadPillar of strength, supportعماد
EhsaanBenevolence, kindnessاحسان
EmranProsperous, successfulعمران
ElahiDivine, heavenlyالہی
EzaazRespect, honorعزاز
EhsamSword of justiceاحصام
EbaadWorshipers, devoteesعباد
EhteramRespect, honorاحترام
ElhamInspiration, revelationالہام
EijazMiracle, wonderعجز
EshanDesiring, wishingایشان
EzaanCall to prayerاذان
ErtugrulResilient, braveارطغرل
EhteshamDecency, modestyاحتشام
EbadDevotee, worshiperعباد
EmanFaith, beliefایمان
EzaanCall to prayerاذان
EmaanFaith, beliefایمان
EhtishamModesty, decencyاحتشام
EhsanKindness, favorاحسان
EbaadatWorship, devotionعبادت
EbrahimFather of manyابراہیم
EhtishamModesty, decencyاحتشام
EsaThe variant of Elias, meaning “the Lord is my God”عیسی
EhteshamDecency, modestyاحتشام
EhteramThe variant of Jesus, meaning “prophet”احترام
EhsanBenevolence, kindnessاحسان
ElyasVariant of Elias, meaning “the Lord is my God”الیاس
EijazMiracle, wonderعجز
EmranProsperous, successfulعمران

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “F”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “F” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
FaizSuccess, abundanceفیض
FaisalJudge, decisiveفیصل
FarisKnight, horsemanفارس
FarhanHappy, joyfulفرحان
FahadLynx, leopardفہد
FarazHigh, elevatedفراز
FaheemIntelligent, wiseفہیم
FazlBounty, graceفضل
FaheemIntelligent, wiseفہیم
FaisalDecisive, judgeفیصل
FaridUnique, incomparableفرید
FerozVictorious, triumphantفیروز
FariqLieutenant, leaderفارق
FakhirProud, excellentفاخر
FaqirPoor, needyفقیر
FidaSacrifice, devotionفدا
FakhrPride, honorفخر
FirasPerspicacity, smartفیراس
FalahSuccess, prosperityفلاح
FaiqSurpassing, excellentفائق
FakhirProud, excellentفاخر
FahdLynx, leopardفہد
FardeenRadiant, preciousفردین
FazlullahBounty of Allahفضل اللہ
FayyazGenerous, bountifulفیاض
FarookOne who distinguishes truth from falsehoodفاروق
FaysalDecisive, judgeفیصل
FarhanHappy, joyfulفرحان
FakhirProud, excellentفاخر
FaiqSurpassing, excellentفائق
FirasPerspicacity, smartفیراس
FarisKnight, horsemanفارس
FahimIntelligent, wiseفہیم
FidaSacrifice, devotionفدا
FakhirProud, excellentفاخر
FawwazSuccessful, victoriousفواز

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “G”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “G” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
GhaziWarrior, conquerorغازی
GulzarRose gardenگلزار
GhafoorForgiving, mercifulغفور
GhalibDominant, victoriousغالب
GoharJewel, gemگوہر
GhayasHelper, supporterغیاث
GhayoorSelf-respecting, honorableغیور
GhulamServant, slaveغلام
GhufranForgiveness, pardonغفران
GhalibDominant, superiorغالب
GhazanfarLion-like, braveغزنفر
GhaalibVictor, winnerغالب
GhaibHidden, unseenغیب
GhayoorSelf-respecting, honorableغیور
GhayasHelper, supporterغیاث
GhaffarMost forgiving, mercifulغفار
GoharJewel, gemگوہر
GhulamServant, slaveغلام
GulzarRose gardenگلزار
GoharPrecious stone, gemگوہر
GhaalibVictor, conquerorغالب
GhaziWarrior, conquerorغازی
GhufraanForgiveness, pardonغفران
GhasaanOld Arabic nameغصان

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “H”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 unique Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “H” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
HarisGuardian, protectorحارث
HishamGenerosity, beneficenceہشام
HuzaifaThe name of the Prophet Muhammad’s companionحذیفہ
HuzaylSharp, intelligentحذیل
HaythamYoung eagleہیثم
HareemSanctuary, sacred placeحریم
HatimDetermined, decisiveحاتم
HumaidPraised, commendableحمید
HaroonProphet Aaron (brother of Prophet Moses)ہارون
HanzalaName of a companion of the Prophet Muhammadحنظلہ
HashirOne who gathers peopleہاشر
HamidPraising, appreciativeحامد
HaniHappy, delightedہانی
HibahGift, grantہبہ
HudaGuidance, right pathہدا
HaydarLion, courageousحیدر
HamadPraiseworthy, commendableحماد
HarithFarmer, cultivatorحارث
HaikalTale, legendحیکل
HabibBeloved, dearحبیب
HanifTrue believer, uprightحنیف
HafizGuardian, protectorحافظ
HikmatWisdom, intelligenceحکمت
HarizVigilant, cautiousحارث
HaniContent, happyہانی
HazimFirm, resoluteحاضم
HammadPraised, commendableحماد
HaithamYoung eagleہیثم
HashimCrusher, destroyerہاشم
HaiderLion, braveحیدر
HaseebAccountant, considerateحسیب
HasnainTwo-eyed, having sharp visionحسنین
HarebWarrior, fighterہارب
HarbWar, battleحرب
HalimMild, patientحلیم
HatibA wood collectorحاضر
HammadPraiseworthy, commendableحماد

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “I”

Of course! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “I” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
IdrisProphet Enochادریس
IbrahimProphet Abrahamابراہیم
IsaProphet Jesus (Peace be upon him)عیسی
ImranProphet Amram (father of Moses)عمران
IshaqProphet Isaacاسحاق
IsmailProphet Ishmaelاسماعیل
IlyasProphet Elijahالیاس
IrfanKnowledge, awarenessعرفان
IftikharHonor, prideافتخار
ImtiyazExcellence, distinctionامتیاز
IqbalProsperity, good fortuneاقبال
IrshadGuidance, instructionارشاد
IshtiaqLonging, desireاشتیاق
IrtizaDesired, cherishedارتضاء
IhabGift, presentاحاب
IhsanExcellence, goodnessاحسان
InayatKindness, favorعنایت
IhabGift, presentاحاب
IqtedarPower, authorityاقتدار
IsaarSacrifice, selflessnessایثار
IsarSelflessness, sacrificeایثار
ImadSupport, pillarعماد
IhabGift, presentاحاب
IlyasProphet Elijahالیاس
IshaqProphet Isaacاسحاق
IsmatPurity, integrityعصمت
IsarSelflessness, sacrificeایثار
IftikharHonor, prideافتخار
IjazMiracle, marvelاعجاز
IkhlasSincerity, purityاخلاص
IlyasProphet Elijahالیاس
IrfanKnowledge, awarenessعرفان
IqraamHonor, respectاقرام
IskandarDefender of men, Alexanderاسکندر
IsmaelProphet Ishmaelاسماعیل
IsrafilAngel who blows the trumpetاسرافیل
IzzatHonor, respectعزت

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “J”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “J” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
JaafarRivulet, small streamجعفر
JabirComforter, restorerجابر
JalalMajesty, grandeurجلال
JavedEternal, everlastingجاوید
JunaidSoldier, warriorجنید
JahanWorld, universeجہان
JavedEternal, immortalجاوید
JazibHandsome, attractiveجاذب
JameelBeautiful, handsomeجمیل
JawadGenerous, nobleجواد
JamalBeauty, graceجمال
JibranCreative, expressiveجبران
JaleelGreat, reveredجلیل
JahanzebAdornment of the worldجہانزیب
JunaidFighter, warriorجنید
JasimGreat, bigجاسم
JavedEternal, everlastingجاوید
JazibAttractive, charmingجاذب
JafferStream, riverجعفر
JahangirWorld conquerorجہانگیر
JamshedEternal happinessجمشید
JahanzebAdornment of the worldجہانزیب
JavedImmortal, eternalجاوید
JameelHandsome, attractiveجمیل
JawwadGenerous, open-handedجواد
JalilGreat, dignifiedجلیل
JunaidFighter, warriorجنید
JaanbazFalcon, heroجانباز
JazibAttractive, charmingجاذب
JawahirJewels, gemstonesجواہر
JalaluddinGlory of the faithجلال الدین
JaserBrave, daringجاسر
JafarRivulet, streamجعفر
JibranCreative, expressiveجبران
JalaalGreatness, majestyجلال
JawaadGenerous, munificentجواد
JasmirBrave, lion-heartedجسمیر

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “K”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “K” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
KareemGenerous, nobleکریم
KhalidEternal, immortalخالد
KamranSuccessful, fortunateکامران
KashifRevealer, discovererکاشف
KhalilFriend, belovedخلیل
KamilPerfect, completeکامل
KaramKindness, generosityکرم
KasimDivider, distributorقاسم
KadeemAncient, oldقدیم
KamilPerfect, completeکامل
KhalidEternal, immortalخالد
KaramatMiracle, blessingکرامت
KafeelGuarantor, sponsorکفیل
KamilPerfect, completeکامل
KhurramCheerful, happyخرم
KhizarGreen, freshخضر
KhaleelFriend, companionخلیل
KifayatSufficiency, competenceکفایت
KhalafSuccessor, heirخلف
KabeerGreat, bigکبیر
KaramatMiracle, blessingکرامت
KamranSuccessful, fortunateکامران
KasimDivider, distributorقاسم
KareemGenerous, nobleکریم
KhalidEternal, immortalخالد
KhurshidSun, radiantخورشید
KhalidEternal, immortalخالد
KashifRevealer, discovererکاشف
KafeelGuarantor, sponsorکفیل
KamalPerfection, excellenceکمال
KazimRestrainer, controllerکاظم
KhayyamPerfection, Excellenceخیام
KhuzaimaOld Arabic nameخزیمہ
KhurramCheerful, happyخرم
KhaulaName of a Sahabiyyah (female companion of the Prophet)خولہ
KabeerGreat, bigکبیر
KamranSuccessful, fortunateکامران
KhalafSuccessor, heirخلف

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “L”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “L” along with their meanings:

LuqmanProphet mentioned in the Quranلقمان
LabibIntelligent, understandingلبیب
LutfullahGrace of Allahلطف اللہ
LateefGentle, kindلطیف
LaeeqWorthy, deservingلائق
LameesSoft to the touch, silkyلمیس
LashkarArmy, troopsلشکر
LaithLion, braveلیث
LuqmanWise, intelligentلقمان
LabeebSensible, intelligentلبیب
LatifKind, gentleلطیف
LutfiKind, gentleلطفی
LamisSoft, gentleلمیس
LuqmaanName of a Prophetلقمان
LutfullahFavor of Allahلطف اللہ
LaithLion, braveلیث
LuqmanWise, intelligentلقمان
LabeebSensible, intelligentلبیب
LatifKind, gentleلطیف
LutfiKind, gentleلطفی
LamisSoft, gentleلمیس
LashkarArmy, troopsلشکر
LaaibPlayer, sportspersonلعیب
LaqmanWise, intelligentلقمان
LutfurKindness, compassionلطفور
LaithBrave, lion-heartedلیث
LuqmaanName of a Prophetلقمان
LabibSensible, intelligentلبیب
LateefGentle, kind-heartedلطیف
LameesSoft, gentleلمیس
LashkarArmy, troopsلشکر
LaaibPlayer, sportsmanلعیب
LaithLion-hearted, braveلیث
LuqmaanWise, discerningلقمان
LabeebSensible, wiseلبیب
LatifKind, gentle-heartedلطیف

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “M”

Of course! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “M” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
MuhammadPraiseworthy, the Prophet’s nameمحمد
MustafaChosen, preferredمصطفیٰ
MahmoodPraiseworthy, commendableمحمود
MurtazaChosen, selectedمرتضیٰ
MoizRespectable, honorableمعز
MusaProphet Mosesموسی
MohsinBenefactor, doer of goodمحسن
MunirRadiant, shiningمنیر
MubarakBlessed, fortunateمبارک
MahirSkilled, proficientماہر
MazharAppearance, manifestationمظہر
MansoorVictorious, aidedمنصور
MajidGlorious, nobleماجد
MalikKing, ownerمالک
MujtabaChosen, selectedمجتبیٰ
MoazzamRespected, esteemedمعظم
MuhsinBeneficent, charitableمحسن
MuradDesired, wishedمراد
MushtaqLonging, yearningمشتاق
MuneebRepentant, humbleمنیب
MahdiGuided one, rightly guidedمہدی
MaqboolAccepted, likedمقبول
MaazBrave, valiantماز
MominBeliever, faithfulمومن
MujahidFighter, strugglerمجاہد
MohsinBenefactor, doer of goodمحسن
MuridAspirant, seekerمرید
MunawarIlluminated, radiantمنور
MunirBright, shiningمنیر
MubashirBringer of good newsمبشر
MuaazProtector, defenderمعاذ
MoizRespectable, honorableمعز
MusabStrong, steadyمصعب
MujtabaChosen, selectedمجتبیٰ
MuzammilChosen selectedمزمل
MuradDesired, wishedمراد
MushtaqLonging, yearningمشتاق
MuneebRepentant, humbleمنیب

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “N”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “N” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
NabeelNoble, generousنبیل
NadeemCompanion, friendندیم
NadirRare, preciousنادر
NaseerHelper, supporterنصیر
NomanMen with all blessingsنعمان
NasirHelper, supporterناصر
NoorLight, illuminationنور
NuhProphet Noahنوح
NaseemBreeze, fresh airنسیم
NaeemBlessing, happinessنعیم
NaimComfort, tranquilityنعم
NafiBeneficial, advantageousنافع
NajibNoble, distinguishedنجیب
NasimBreeze, gentle windنسیم
NihalHappy, prosperousنہال
NomanMen with all blessingsنعمان
NaseerHelper, supporterناصر
NadimCompanion, friendندیم
NafeesPure, refinedنفیس
NawazBestower, giverنواز
NizarLittle, smallنذیر
NourLight, radianceنور
NaifExalted, nobleنائف
NawfalGenerous, large-heartedنوفل
NuhProphet Noahنوح
NaseemBreeze, gentle windنسیم
NisarSacrifice, offeringنثار
NayefElevated, highنائف
NajiSaved, rescuedناجی
NajmStar, celestial bodyنجم
NaeemBlessing, Happinessنعیم
NomanMen with all blessingsنعمان
NaseerHelper, supporterناصر
NuhProphet Noahنوح
NasirHelper, supporterناصر
NihalHappy, prosperousنہال
NaeemBlessing, happinessنعیم
NomanMen with all blessingsنعمان

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “O”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “O” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
OmarLong-lived, eloquentعمر
OsmanServant of Godعثمان
OwaisLittle wolfاویس
OmerLife, flourishingعمر
ObaidSmall slave, servantعبید
OthmanBaby bustard (a bird)عثمان
ObaidullahServant of Allahعبید اللہ
OwaizProsperous, flourishingاویز
OmerLong-lived, eloquentعمر
OsmanServant of Godعثمان
OwaisLittle wolfاویس
ObaidSmall slave, servantعبید
OthmanBaby bustard (a bird)عثمان
ObaidullahServant of Allahعبید اللہ
OwaizProsperous, flourishingاویز
OmerLife, flourishingعمر
OsmanServant of Godعثمان
OwaisLittle wolfاویس
ObaidSmall slave, servantعبید
OthmanBaby bustard (a bird)عثمان
ObaidullahServant of Allahعبید اللہ
OwaizProsperous, flourishingاویز
OmerLong-lived, eloquentعمر
OsmanServant of Godعثمان
OwaisLittle wolfاویس
ObaidSmall slave, servantعبید
OthmanBaby bustard (a bird)عثمان
ObaidullahServant of Allahعبید اللہ
OwaizProsperous, flourishingاویز
OmerLife, flourishingعمر
OsmanServant of Godعثمان
OwaisLittle wolfاویس
ObaidSmall slave, servantعبید
OthmanBaby bustard (a bird)عثمان
ObaidullahServant of Allahعبید اللہ
OwaizProsperous, flourishingاویز

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “P”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “P” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
ParvezVictorious, fortunateپرویز
PervaizFortunate, happyپرویز
PirzadaSon of a saint or spiritual leaderپیرزادہ
PashaHonorific title, dignitaryپاشا
ParwezVictorious, successfulپرویز
PerwezVictorious, successfulپرویز
PaimanPromise, covenantپیمان
PashaHonorific title, dignitaryپاشا
PaighamMessage, tidingsپیغام
ParsaPious, devoutپارسا
PervizFortunate, happyپرویز
PervaizFortunate, happyپرویز
ParvezVictorious, fortunateپرویز
ParvaizVictorious, fortunateپرویز
PirzadaSon of a saint or spiritual leaderپیرزادہ
PashaHonorific title, dignitaryپاشا
ParwezVictorious, successfulپرویز
PerwezVictorious, successfulپرویز
PaimanPromise, covenantپیمان
PashaHonorific title, dignitaryپاشا
PaighamMessage, tidingsپیغام
ParsaPious, devoutپارسا
PervizFortunate, happyپرویز
PervaizFortunate, happyپرویز
ParvezVictorious, fortunateپرویز
ParvaizVictorious, fortunateپرویز
PirzadaSon of a saint or spiritual leaderپیرزادہ
PashaHonorific title, dignitaryپاشا
ParwezVictorious, successfulپرویز
PerwezVictorious, successfulپرویز
PaimanPromise, covenantپیمان
PashaHonorific title, dignitaryپاشا
PaighamMessage, tidingsپیغام
ParsaPious, devoutپارسا
PervizFortunate, happyپرویز
PervaizFortunate, happyپرویز
ParvezVictorious, fortunateپرویز
ParvaizVictorious, fortunateپرویز
PirzadaSon of a saint or spiritual leaderپیرزادہ
PashaHonorific title, dignitaryپاشا
ParwezVictorious, successfulپرویز
PerwezVictorious, successfulپرویز
PaimanPromise, covenantپیمان
PashaHonorific title, dignitaryپاشا
PaighamMessage, tidingsپیغام
ParsaPious, devoutپارسا

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “Q”

here is a list of Muslim boys’ names starting with “Q” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
QasimDivider, distributorقاسم
QaysFirm, unwaveringقیس
QutaybahA narrator of Hadithقتیبہ
QadeerPowerful, capableقدیر
QaimOne who stands up, risingقائم
QaziJudge, magistrateقاضی
QutubAxis, pivotقطب
QudratPower, authorityقدرت
QurbanSacrifice, offeringقربان
QaiserEmperor, kingقیصر
QaimStanding, risingقائم
QasimDivider, distributorقاسم
QaysFirm, resoluteقیس
QutaybahA narrator of Hadithقتیبہ
QadeerPowerful, capableقدیر
QaimUpright, steadfastقائم
QaziJudge, magistrateقاضی
QutubAxis, pivotقطب
QudratPower, authorityقدرت
QurbanSacrifice, offeringقربان
QaiserEmperor, kingقیصر
QayyumSelf-sustaining, eternalقیوم
QuddusHoly, pureقدوس
QabilCapable, competentقابل
QanatChannels, ductsقنات
QaysFirm, steadfastقیس
QusayDistant, farقصی
QutaybahA narrator of Hadithقتیبہ
QadeerPowerful, capableقدیر
QaimUpright, steadfastقائم
QaziJudge, magistrateقاضی
QutubAxis, pivotقطب
QudratPower, authorityقدرت
QurbanSacrifice, offeringقربان

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “R”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “R” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
RaheemMerciful, compassionateرحیم
RashidRightly guided, righteousراشد
RaziSatisfied, contendedراضی
RiazGarden, meadowریاض
RaafatKindness, compassionرافت
RafiqFriend, companionرفیق
RayyanDoor to paradise, luxuriantریان
RaheelTraveler, braveراحیل
RehanFragrance, sweet basilریحان
RiazGarden, meadowریاض
RaafatKindness, compassionرافت
RafiqFriend, companionرفیق
RayyanDoor to paradise, luxuriantریان
RameezSymbol, emblemرمیز
RaheelTraveler, braveراحیل
RehanFragrance, sweet basilریحان
RaeesRich, wealthyرئیس
RaisLeader, captainرئیس
RoshanBright, enlightenedروشن
RameezSymbol, emblemرمیز
RaheelTraveler, braveراحیل
RehanFragrance, sweet basilریحان
RizwanAcceptance, goodwillرضوان
RazaContentment, pleasureرضا
RaisLeader, captainرئیس
RoshanBright, enlightenedروشن
RayanGates of Heavenریان
RuhaanSpiritual, kindروحان
RukanSteadfast, confidentرکن
RafeeqKind, gentleرفیق
RaedLeader, pioneerرائد
RakinRespectful, obedientراکن

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “S”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “S” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
SaadFelicity, good fortuneسعد
SamiElevated, exaltedسامی
SufyanCharming, pleasantسفیان
SalmanSafe, secureسلمان
ShahidWitness, martyrشاہد
SaeedHappy, fortunateسعید
SaifSword, braveسیف
SaleemPeaceful, flawlessسلیم
SikandarConqueror, defenderسکندر
SameerEntertaining companionسمیر
SaqibBright, shiningثاقب
SabirPatient, perseveringصابر
SarmadEternal, immortalسرمد
ShahzadSon of a kingشہزاد
ShoaibProphet’s nameشعیب
SaqibBright, shiningثاقب
SaadatProsperity, happinessسعادت
SafwanRock, solidصفوان
SarimLion, braveسارم
SaeedHappy, fortunateسعید
SaqibBright, shiningثاقب
SaifSword, braveسیف
SajjadProstrating in prayer, devoutسجاد
ShaheerWell-known, famousشہیر
ShayanWorthy, deservingشایان
SubhanGlorified, exaltedسبحان
SaudFortunate, auspiciousسعود
SafiPure, clearصافی
SaqlainTwo worlds (heaven and earth)ساقلین
SalimPeaceful, flawlessسلیم
SufyanCharming, pleasantسفیان
ShahrozRoyal, nobleشاہروز
ShahidWitness, martyrشاہد
SabirPatient, perseveringصابر
SarmadEternal, immortalسرمد
ShahzadSon of a kingشہزاد
ShoaibProphet’s nameشعیب

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “T”

Certainly! Here’s a list of 40 Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “T” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
TahaPure, name of a Surah in the Quranطہ
TalhaKind of tree, generousطلحہ
TariqMorning star, night visitorطارق
TauseefPraise, appreciationتوصیف
TaimurIron, strongتیمور
TayyabPure, cleanطیب
TahirPure, cleanطاہر
TawfiqSuccess, prosperityتوفیق
TufailLittle childطفیل
TariqMorning star, night visitorطارق
TaufeeqDivine help, successتوفیق
TaimoorIron, strongتیمور
TashfeenSympathizer, one who consolesتشفین
TufailSmall childطفیل
TajwarCrowned, king-likeتاجور
TaseenA name of the Prophet Muhammadتاسین
TaibRepentant, pureتائب
TahaPure, name of a Surah in the Quranطہ
TalalNice, admirableطلال
TufaylLittle childطفیل
TajdarCrowned, adornedتاجدار
TameemComplete, perfectتمیم
TawheedSympathizer, is one who consolesتوحید
TahaPure, name of a Surah in the Quranطہ
TalhaGenerous, kindطلحہ
TariqMorning star, night visitorطارق
TahirPure, cleanطاہر
TayyabPure, cleanطیب
TawfiqSuccess, prosperityتوفیق
TufailLittle childطفیل
TaimurIron, strongتیمور
TashfeenSympathizer, consolerتشفین
TajwarCrowned, king-likeتاجور
TaseenMonotheism, the belief in the oneness of Allahتاسین
TaibRepentant, pureتائب
TalalNice, admirableطلال
TameemComplete, perfectتمیم

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “U”

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
UzairProphet mentioned in the Quranعزیر
UmarLong-lived, eloquentعمر
UbaidServant of Godعبید
UsmanThe chosen oneعثمان
UsamaLion, young foxاسامہ
UwaisLittle wolfاویس
UqbahElevated, highعقبہ
UlfatLove, affectionالفت
UmairLife, long-livedعمیر
UzairProphet mentioned in the Quranعزیر
UzayrVariant of Uzairعزیر
UbadahServitude, worshipعبادہ
UfairPleasant, gentleعفیر
UjalLight, brightnessعجل
UqbahElevated, highعقبہ
UrfanKnowledge, wisdomعرفان
UsaydLittle lionاسید
UthmanBaby bustard birdعثمان
UbayyOld Arabic nameعبی
UddinSupport of the religionعددین
UfairGentle, kindعفیر
UkashaOld Arabic nameعقشہ
UmayrYoung, youthfulعمیر
UzmaGreatest, highestعظمی
UwaisLittle wolfاویس
UsaidLittle lionاسید
UbadahServitude, worshipعبادہ
UlfatLove, affectionالفت
UmairLife, long-livedعمیر
UmarLong-lived, eloquentعمر
UmarLong-lived, eloquentعمر
UbayyOld Arabic nameعبی
UthmanBaby bustard birdعثمان
UkashaOld Arabic nameعقشہ
UmayrYoung, youthfulعمیر
UzmaGreatest, highestعظمی
UzayrVariant of Uzairعزیر
UfairPleasant, gentleعفیر
UjalLight, brightnessعجل

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “V”

Here is a list of some unique Muslim boys’ names starting with “V” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
VafiTrustworthy, loyalوفی
VaseemHandsome, gracefulوسیم
VahidUnique, singularواحد
VishaalWide, spaciousوسعل
VardaanGift, blessingوردان
VianFull of life, livelyویان
VamikLeader, chiefومیک
VarunLord of the water, Neptuneورون
VihaanDawn, morningوہان
VivanFull of life, livelyویوان
VakilLawyer, advocateوکیل
VazeerMinister, officialوزیر
VajidFinder, discovererواجد
VaqarDignity, honorوقار
VardaadBlessing, giftورداد
VaseemHandsome, gracefulوسیم
VafiTrustworthy, loyalوفی
VianFull of life, livelyویان
VahidUnique, singularواحد
VishaalWide, spaciousوسعل
VardaanGift, blessingوردان
VamikLeader, chiefومیک
VarunLord of the water, Neptuneورون
VihaanDawn, morningوہان
VivanFull of life, livelyویوان
VakilLawyer, advocateوکیل
VazeerMinister, officialوزیر
VajidFinder, discovererواجد
VaqarDignity, honorوقار
VardaadBlessing, giftورداد
VahidUnique, singularواحد
VishaalWide, spaciousوسعل
VardaanGift, blessingوردان
VianFull of life, livelyویان

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “W”

However, here is a list of some unique Muslim boys’ names starting with “W” along with their meanings:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
WaqarDignity, honorوقار
WahidUnique, singularواحد
WasiBroad-minded, expansiveوسیع
WarisHeir, successorوارث
WahabGenerous, givingوہاب
WazirMinister, officialوزیر
WasiqSurety, confidenceوثیق
WaheedUnique, solitaryواحد
WajihEminent, distinguishedوجیہ
WadoodLoving, affectionateودود
WahidUnique, singularواحد
WasiBroad-minded, expansiveوسیع
WarisHeir, successorوارث
WahabGenerous, givingوہاب
WazirMinister, officialوزیر
WasiqSurety, confidenceوثیق
WaheedUnique, solitaryواحد
WajihEminent, distinguishedوجیہ
WadoodLoving, affectionateودود
WahidUnique, singularواحد
WasiBroad-minded, expansiveوسیع
WarisHeir, successorوارث
WahabGenerous, givingوہاب
WazirMinister, officialوزیر
WasiqSurety, confidenceوثیق
WaheedUnique, solitaryواحد
WajihEminent, distinguishedوجیہ
WadoodLoving, affectionateودود

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “Y”

Certainly! Here’s a list of unique Muslim boys’ names starting with the letter “Y” without repeating names:

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
YaqoobJacob (Prophet Jacob)یعقوب
YaseenOne of the names of the Prophet Muhammadیاسین
YahyaJohn (Prophet John)یحیی
YusufJoseph (Prophet Joseph)یوسف
YaminRight hand, blessedیمین
YasarWealth, easeیسار
YameenOath, right handیمین
YaqeenCertainty, beliefیقین

Popular Muslim Boy Names Start With “Z”

NameMeaning (English)Meaning (Urdu)
ZainBeauty, graceزین
ZayanBright, radiantزیان
ZohaibLeader, kingزہیب
ZiyaadAbundance, growthزیاد
ZafarVictory, triumphظفر
ZohaLight, morningضحی
ZakiPure, virtuousزاکی
ZiaLight, glowضیاء
ZuhairRadiant, shiningزُہیر
ZaydGrowth, increaseزید

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