4 Caliphs of Islam


The Four Caliphs were the first Islamic leaders who followed the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). They are frequently referred to as “Rashidun,” which means “rightly guided” caliphs since they all learned Islam straight from Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.). During Islam’s formative years, they were Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H.) most excellent companions and practitioners.
A caliphate, or “Khilafa” in Arabic, is controlled by an Islamic monarch identified as the Caliph (Khalifah). A caliph’s role was to give Muslims the most sought-after guidance, following Allah Almighty’s and Prophet Muhammad’s commands. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A.), Hazrat Umar (R.A.), Hazrat Uthman (R.A.), and Hazrat Ali (R.A.) were the first four Caliphs. They led humble and virtuous lives and worked tirelessly for Allah’s religion (S.W.T.). Their law was unbiased, and they treated everyone with kindness and generosity.
Their reign began with Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) demise in 632 CE. Abu Bakr (R.A.) acquired the status of Caliph—the Prophet’s successor—but not a continuance of Prophethood itself (which, as per Muslims, ultimately concluded with Muhammad) and ceased with the killing of Caliph Ali in 661 CE. Throughout their rule, Islamic forces unified the Arabian Peninsula under the banner of Islam and later invaded areas of the Byzantine Empire (3330–1453 CE) and the entire Sassanian Empire (22–651 CE). These speedy and everlasting victories were curtailed under the tenure of the last Rashidun Caliph, Ali. He devoted the majority of his rule to the civil war and is regarded by Shia Muslims as Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) only rightful successor.
From 632 to 661 CE, the Rashidun Caliphate ruled for 30 years. The Caliphate of the Umayyads succeeded it. Medina was the Caliphate’s first capital. Afterward, the capital was relocated to Kufa. The following are in-depth discussions of Islam’s four rightfully guided caliphs:

4 caliphs of islam

First caliph of islam: Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)

Our great Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) passed away in Medina, and following his demise, the head of the Islamic community, the first caliph, was also chosen from Medina. The first caliph the Muslims appointed was Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A.), Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) most excellent companion and father-in-law. He was nearly two years younger than our revered Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.) and was born in 573 A.D. He (R.A.) was Hazrat Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H.) dearest friend, and they shared numerous personality traits such as sincerity, integrity, and honesty. It is mentioned in a Hadith narrated by Ibn ‘Umar:
Because of his strong beliefs in Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), he was also the first man to embrace Islam. He got the title Al-Siddiq, which signifies a genuinely believing individual. He (R.A.) was highly considerate, gentle, sympathetic, loving, truthful, and sincere. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A.) was a perfect demonstration of Shari’ah principles. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.) maintained the rule of law by bringing together Muslims who were in strife. He (R.A.) also contributed significantly to the compilation and preservation of the Holy Quran. For the first time, he (R.A.) had become a medium of extending Islam beyond the Arabian Peninsula in Syria, Palestine, and Iraq.
He (R.A.) liberated numerous enslaved Muslims by spending large sums of money on the enslavers in terms of setting them free. His reign lasted two years, ending when He (R.A.) died in 634 A.D. and was cremated alongside the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).

Sayings of Abu Bakr (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu)

  • Always fear Allah, as He knows what is in your hearts.
  • Be kind to those who are obedient to you and treat them well.
  • Give brief orders, as long speeches are likely to be forgotten.
  • Improve your behavior before demanding others to improve theirs.
  • Always speak the truth so that you may attain the right advice.
  • Be sincere to all those whom you deal with.
  • Refrain from cowardice and lies.
  • Remain far from lousy company.

Second caliph of islam: Hazrat Umar (R.A)

Hazrat Umar (R.A) was the second caliphate of Islam, born in 580 A.D., about ten years after the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). At the time, He (R.A) was one of Makah’s couple of literate individuals. He (R.A.) was a physically powerful young man regarded as a skilled wrestler. He (R.A.) adopted Islam when he was about to assassinate (God forbid) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). Still, after hearing Quranic Verses recited in his sister’s house, he admitted the Ayahs as accurate and joined Islam at the hands of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

The Messenger of Allah (P.B.U.H) bestowed the title of Al-Farooq on him in recognition of his exceptional abilities to be just (the one who knows the difference between right and wrong). Hazrat Umar (R.A) lived a humble, genuine, and fair life. He (R.A.) conquered several states, freed Jerusalem, and created roadways for Muslims in Medina throughout his reign.

Hazrat Umar Farooq’s (R.A) significant accomplishments include establishing justice and harmony in the Muslim community, developing Baitul Maal for the upkeep and administration of funds, and introducing the Islamic calendar during his reign. He ruled as caliph for ten years until his death in 644 A.D. As per his request, Hazrat Umar (R.A) was also buried with Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Hazrat Uthman (R.A)

When Hazrat Umar (R.A.) was assassinated, people urged him to name his successor before he died. Thus, He (R.A.) set up a panel of six of Prophet Muhammad’s ten companions (S.A.W.). This panel included Hazrat Ali (R.A.), Hazrat Uthman (R.A.), Abdul Rahman, Sa’ad, Al-Zubayr, and Talha, and the successor caliph must be appointed from among them. After the discussion, Hazrat Uthman (R.A.) was designated as Islam’s third caliph.

He (R.A.) was born in 573 A.D., two years after Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.). He (R.A.) was one of the few competent persons in Makah then. When his great companion Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.R.A.) informed him about Islam, Hazrat Uthman (R.A.R.A.) embraced it quickly. He (R.A.) had the incredible privilege of marrying two of the Holy Prophet’s virtuous daughters (S.A.W).

He (R.A.) was a rich man who spent the majority of his income on the actual service of Islam, such as purchasing a well from a Jew in Medina and providing its access to all Muslims, along with obtaining a part of the property to expand the size of Masjid e Nabwi. Replicating the Quran has been one of Hazrat Uthman’s (R.A.) most valuable contributions to Islam.

During his tenure, a team was formed, and the only version of the Quran was duplicated since some individuals spoke the Quran’s passages differently due to dialect differences. His caliphate lasted until 656 A.D. when insurgents killed him. He was laid to rest in Medina’s Jannatul Baqi cemetery.

Hazrat Ali (R.A)

Hazrat Ali (R.A.) is Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) first cousin. Born in 600 A.D., he was the youngest of the people to join Islam. He (R.A.) was also Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) son-in-law, the husband of Prophet Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) adored daughter, Hazrat Fatima (R.A.). He (R.A.) was a renowned defender of Islam and is recognized for his courage.
Because of his bravery, Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was given the title Asadullah (The Lion of Allah). He (R.A.) led a modest life of gratitude to the Merciful Lord. Because of his humility and spirituality, he (R.A.) was well-known. He was also renowned for wearing plain outfits. Following the killing of Hazrat Uthman (R.A.), Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was appointed Caliph.
As the fourth Caliph of Islam, Hazrat Ali (R.A.) did everything he could to unify Muslims and bring peace to the world, but the pushback from unbelievers was formidable. He (R.A.) battled them and defeated most of the revolt groups, conquering the Umayyad at the Battle of Nahrawan and instituting tax reforms.
About five years later, Hazrat Ali (R.A.) reigned as Caliph. Hazrat Ali (R.A.) was 63 years old when he was killed with a poisonous sword by one of the insurgents while praying Fajar Salah in the mosque on the 20th of Ramadan, 40 A.H. (661 A.D.). He (R.A.) was the last Caliph of Islam.

Final thoughts

All four of these Rashidun caliphs did their best in the way of Islam. They followed the path of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) and made struggles for the spread of Islam. In their reigns, they put maximum effort into Islam and did whatever they could for its maintenance without worrying about their lives.

They were close to Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) and followed his teachings and guidelines even after his death. Many of them are also buried next to Him. Muslims admire these caliphs and their struggles for Islam. They hold great importance in Islam as the successors of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Interesting Facts about the Four Caliphs of the Islamic Empire

  • “ibn” in the names above means “son of” in Arabic. So Uthman ibn Affan means “Uthman, son of Affan.”
  • Umar was known as Al-Farooq, which means “the one who distinguishes between right and wrong.”
  • Uthman was Muhammad’s son-in-law. He married two of Muhammad’s daughters. He married the second daughter after the first passed away.
  • Fatimah, Ali’s wife, and Muhammad’s daughter is an essential and beloved figure in Islam.
  • Under Muhammad, Abu Bakr led the first Islamic pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca.
  • Umar was a physically strong man known as a great athlete and wrestler.
  • The Umayyad Caliphate took control after Ali’s death.

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