99 Name of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

The Quran and Prophetic literature (Hadiths and Sirah) extensively describe the names and titles of Prophet Muhammad (SAW), known as “Asma un-Nabi” or “Asma Muhammad” in Arabic. According to Arab tradition, having many names signifies nobility. Scholars have compiled lists of 99 names of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to honour and appreciate his remarkable character and attributes.

99 names of Allah Almighty 2
1عادلAadilThe Justice
2عالمAalimThe Scholar
3عبداللهAbdullahSlave of Allah
4ابوالقاسمAbu al QaasimThe father of Qasim.
5ابو الطاھرAbu at TahirThe father of Tahir.
6ابوالطیبAbu at TayyibThe father of Tayyib.
7ابو ابراھیمAbu IbrahimThe father of Ibrahim.
9احیدAheedHe who takes to one side.
10احمدAhmadMuch praised
11اجیرAjeerHe who is rewarded.
12علم الایمانAlam ul EemanThe banner of faith.
13علم الیقینAlam ul YaqeenThe banner of belief.
14علم الھدیٰAlamul HudaaBanner of guidance.
15علیمAleemThe Knowledgeable
16امینAmeenThe Honest One
17النجم الثاقبAn Najm-us-SaqibShining star.
18عاقبAqibThe Latest
19عربیArabiThe Arabi
20اولAwwalThe First
21عین الغرAyn ul GhurrThe chief of the chosen one.
22عین النعیمAyn un NaeemThe spring of blessing.
23عزیزAzizThe Honoured One
24بالغBaalighHe who attains the elevated station.
26بشیرBasheerThe Messenger of Good News
27بیانBayanObvious words
28برھانBurhanThe Evidence
29بشریٰBushraaGiver of good tidings.
30داعDaaHaving a link with Allah.
31دلیل الخیراتDaleel ul KhyayraatTo guide to virtue.
32فاتحFaatehThe Victor
34فصیح اللسانFaseehul LisaanThe eloquent of speech.
35فتاحFatahThe Successor, The Opener
36غنیGhaniThe Rich
37قریبQaribThe Near
39غیثThe InventorShower of mercy.
40غیاثGhiyaasSuccor, listener to complaints.
41ھادHaadThe Leader
42حبیب اللهHabeebullahBeloved of Allah.
43حبیبHabiebThe Beloved
44حفیHafeeyVery merciful.
45حافظHafizThe Guardian
46حکیمHakeemThe Wise
47حامدHamidThe Praiser
48حمیدHamiedThe Thankful
49حقHaqThe True, The Truth
50حریص علیکمHarees-un-AlaikumThe Covetous for the Believers
51ھاشمHashimThe Destroyer, The Crusher of Evil
52حاشرHashirThe Awakener, The Gatherer
53ھاشمےHashmiThe Hashmi
54ھدیه اللهHidayatullahGift of Allah.
55حجازیHijaziThe Hijazi
56حزب اللهHizbullahArmy of Allah.
58حجهHujjatThe Right Argument
59اکلیلIkleelChief (of Prophets)
60امامImamThe Guide
61امام المتقینImamul MuttaqeenLeader of the pious.
62عزالعربIzzul ArabGays
65جوادJawwadThe Generous
66کافKaafSufficient, enough.
68کاشف الکربKaashiful KurabHe who solves difficulties.
70کلیم اللهKaleemullahWho converses with Allah.
71کریمKareemThe Noble
72خلیل الرحمٰنKhaleel ur RahmanWho is guided?
73خلیلKhalilThe True Friend
74خاتم الانبیآءKhatamul anbiyaSeal of the Prophets.
75خاتم الرسلKhatamur RusulSeal of Messengers.
76خطیب الاممKhateebul UmamSermoniser for the people.
77خطیبMaddowThe Sermoniser
78خاتمKhatimThe Finalizer
79ماحMaahThe obliterator of Infidelity
80مدنیMadaniWho is called?
81مدعوThe honor of Arabs.Full of succor.
82مھدMahdWho is given the Rank
83مھدیMahdeeWho is given rank?
84مھدیMahdiyHe Who is Well Guided
85محمودMahmoodThe Commendable
86مکینMakeenChosen to be honored.
87مکینMakeenThe Residents of Madina
88مخصوص بالعزMakhsoos bil IzzKhateeb
89مخصوص بالمجدMakhsoos bil MajdChosen to be on the right path.
90مخصوص بالشرفMakhsoos bil SharafPicked up as a noble.
93منصورMansoorWho is helped
94معراجMarajThe Place of Ascent, The Above
95مشھودMashhoodHe who is witnessed.
96مشکورMashkoorThe Thankful
97متینMateenThe Strong
98موصولMawsoolHaving link with Allah.
99مفتاحMiftaahKey to the secrets.

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