Introduction to the 6 Articles of Faith

The 6 Articles of Faith are popularly known as the pillars or the basic beliefs every Muslim needs to uphold. They form the bedrock of Islamic theology, underpinning all others and interpreting religion, hence the close spiritual connection with Allah, God, which is possible. These are the articles that a Muslim is expected to hold on to, relevant for spiritual sanity, guidance in actions, decisions, and purposes in life.

6 articles of faith

What are the 6 Articles of Faith?

1. Belief in Allah (God)

The first and most fundamental article is the belief in Allah’s oneness. Muslims believe that Allah is the sole deity, without partners, equals, or offspring. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler of the universe. Everything is under His control, and nothing happens without His will. This belief is the cornerstone of a Muslim’s faith and influences every aspect of their lives.


Belief in Allah is at the very core of everything else that a Muslim believes. Indeed, it is this belief that shapes the worldview, ethics, and values of a Muslim and, over time, has a bearing on their behaviors, relationships, and decisions. More importantly, it instills by default within the Muslim believer both a high sense of a strong sense of purpose since the Muslim is brought up to know that the believer is created to worship and serve Allah, and a sense of accountability since Allah knows whatever the Muslim does, and whatever their intentions and reflections are.


  • Spiritual Relation: Belief in Allah creates a profound and intimate relationship with the Creator. It also shows the individual their place in this life.
  • Guidance. It has a clear moral code. It guides a Muslim’s daily life, the things he does, and the choices he or she makes.
  • Inner Peace: For this very reason, it inculcates peace and satisfaction of mind in Muslims, who believe Allah is the Best Planner of their lives and in the worst circumstances.
  • Strength in Adversity: Knowing that Allah is the master planner helps Muslims to be patient and resilient when faced with difficulties, as they believe a test is just part of God’s bigger purpose in life.

2. Belief in the Angels

Angels are spiritual creatures created by God from light. They are completely submissive to God’s will and engage in different activities that are assigned to them, like delivering messages to the prophets of God, recording human deeds, and protecting the faithful. In fact, angels have a role in the discharge of the functions governing the universe and the spiritual existence of things.

Human belief in the angels further strengthens the argument that the physical world is not the only scene of reality and that the angels would normally remind people of what would normally remain unseen but has validity and significance. This belief turns into a motivational force when one considers living a righteous life as these angels view human activities and document what will be shown on the Day of Judgment.


  • Awareness of the Unseen: This helps instill a perception that the spiritual world is real, making one’s conscience alert in actions and thoughts.
  • Motivation for Righteousness: This plants in the believer the humanity of knowing that each act is recorded, hence the urge to act right and avoid sin at all costs.
  • Protection and Comfort: The supposition that there is an angel to protect and help men suggests feeling safe and comforted, especially during difficult times.
  • Inspiration: The submission and worshipping of angels should inspire a true Muslim, where man should look upon and seek resemblance in worshipping Allah.


Muslims have faith in the holy books that were revealed to his messengers, which include the Torah, given to Moses; the Psalms, given to David; the Gospel, given to Jesus; and the Quran, given to Mohammad (peace be upon them all). The Quran is seen as the last book and the fullest expression of God’s will to Muslims; it contains many general principles, but to be properly applied in life, it necessitates the necessary elaboration of these generalities.


The holy books are the ultimate manual and guide for Muslims. They inform them how to worship Allah and lead a life to His satisfaction. They contain timeless wisdom and knowledge about the nature of existence, the purpose of life, and the reality of the hereafter. Believing in these books becomes crucial to understanding human behavior’s divine laws and principles.


  • Complete Guidance: The holy books provide well-defined guidance in every aspect of life, including personal conduct, social affairs, and spiritual work.
  • Moral and Ethical Framework: They serve a strong basis in the morality and ethics of behavior, ensuring justice, compassion, and integrity.
  • Divine Wisdom: These Scriptures connect Muslims to the Divine Wisdom that Allah has given them to lead them through the complexities of life with a clear purpose.
  • Preservation of Faith: Muslims widely believe that the Quran should be treated as a living miracle. They understand that it is pure in its original form. Thus, Muslims access the word of Allah, which is pure without any human alterations.

4. Belief in the Prophets

Muslims believe in all prophets sent to guide humanity’s way, from the first prophet, Adam, to the last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). Allah selected these prophets to deliver His message: teaching monotheism and setting examples. These prophets played a paramount role in creating history’s moral and spiritual face.


Prophets belong to the core aspect of Islam: a close link between Allah and mankind. In their lives and teachings, the prophets provide appropriate examples for living all aspects of life as Allah would have liked. Believing in the prophets leads to respect for their mission, that is, following their teachings. In some sense, this shows continuity and consistency in Allah’s message to the people.

  • Role Models of Humanity: The prophets’ lives delineate practical models of sacrifice, perseverance, and belief for Muslims in the face of daunting odds.
  • Straight Path: Their teachings and lives show how to lead life to gain success in this world and in the world hereafter.
  • Unity of the Divine Message: Belief in all Prophets ensures belief in Allah’s unity and consistency in his message. Thus, it assures tolerance and understanding between various religious communities.
  • Spiritual Inspiration: Their stories inspire the Believers to keep faith, excel in Allah’s worship, and adopt good habits in worldly living.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment

For Muslims, it is the Day of Judgment—when all humanity will be raised, brought back to life, and accountable for their acts. That day, every soul will find the justice they deserve, and an eternal verdict—a residence in heaven or an infinite abode in hell—awaiting their actions and beliefs in worldly life.


Belief in the Day of Judgment is a powerful motivator of ethical behavior and a reminder of the transience of worldly life. It emphasizes leading a life the way Allah is pleased with, for every action will be judged. This belief also gives hope for ultimate justice, where wrongs will be righted, and every soul will receive its due.


  • Accountability: This belief instills responsibility in Muslims to do what is right and not wrong because there will be accountability.
  • Moral and Ethical Awareness: It emphasizes that moral behavior relies on arguments, which compel justice, mercy, and truthfulness in all matters.
  • Hope and Consolation: People who have suffered injustice can take comfort in the promise of justice on the Day of Judgment, as Allah will set everything right.
  • Focus on the Hereafter: Belief in the Day of Judgment prioritizes spiritual goals over materialism, leading to a purposeful and conscious life.

6. Qadar

Muslims believe in Qadar, the divine decree, which means that Allah knows what will happen and that everything has to happen by Allah’s will. However, this belief also recognizes human free will, where people remain responsible for their choices and actions.


Predestination illustrates a balance between divine will and human responsibility. It provides Muslims with a reason to give over to Allah’s wisdom on the one hand and to try their best on this earth regarding their choices in life on the other. Through this belief, one can put the affairs of humanity within a framework of trials and tribulations, thus producing patience with a total reliance on Allah.


  • Resilience in Adversity: Belief in Qadar enables a Muslim to be patient and resilient in the face of life’s challenges, as one knows quite well that everything happens according to Allah’s plan.
  • Trust in Allah’s Wisdom: A Muslim who exudes deep trust in Allah’s wisdom and mercy can wade through uncertainties with confidence and peace of mind.
  • Belief in Qadr: Muslims should know that good and bad come from Allah, so they should accept this belief and deal with it soberly and optimistically.
  • Empowerment through Free Will: When Muslims respect the decree of their Lord, this belief empowers them to choose responsibly, as they realize that they are the masters of their own destiny within the confines of Allah’s will.


The 6 Articles of Faith are the indivisible, foundational principles that build the shades of a Muslim’s belief system. In their collocation, each article constitutes a comprehensive framework for understanding the divine, the world, and the goal of human existence. Embracing the following beliefs, Muslims can attain high spiritual repletion, ethical integrity, and a strong connection with Allah: These articles are not only the hallmark of a Muslim’s life but also have many benefits, like peace, grit, and a higher sense of purpose.